Stuff Elva Likes

My sister Elva has started a new blog –  She describes it as “digital marketing meets strawberry ice-cream” and it basically encapsulates the wide range of stuff she enjoys, from gardening to online clothes shopping to the food she manages to get other people to cook for her (respect).  Today’s post is all about coffee and heaps praise on Australia’s skill in this department.  She’s also kindly reposted a piece I wrote about birthday candles a while back which if you haven’t already read you can see here.  The best thing about Elva’s blog is that she writes just like she talks – with speed, openness, enthusiasm and a huge amount of humour.

While we’re on the subject, my other sister Jessi is still writing wonderful stuff about theatre on her blog –  Her most recent post is a thought provoking piece on critique which you can read here.

But seriously, why couldn’t they both have just become accountants or something, it would have made me seem a lot more interesting!